Our Services


Our staff are highly trained and passionate about the industry, we strive to continually develop our services and improve our clients experience of Mayfield.

We Are Trained In All Facets Of Owners Corporation Management

From small Strata Titles to large complex facilities. We have the experience and knowledge needed to keep it all running smoothly.


We provide our clients a fixed-fee contract with no hidden extra fees or charges.

Financial Reporting

Accounts are reconciled daily and approved invoices paid on time. We understand the importance of all stakeholders having a clear picture of where they stand and our maintenance crews wanting to go the extra yard for Mayfield customers.

Our Partners

We work closely with our partners and ensure we build strong long term relationships where our values align and we can confidently rely on a professional job being done first time every time.

Standard Services
  • Ensuring compliance with the Owners Corporation Act 2006 and OC regulations 2007
  • Conduct Annual General Meeting
  • Prepare and distribute notices, agendas and minutes
  • Insurance
  • Issuing fee and levy notices
  • Ballots
  • Arrange quotations and maintenance
  • Paying invoices
  • Preparation and distribution of financial statements
  • Keep and maintain the OC register
  • Record management
  • Audits as required
  • Grievance management
  • General correspondence and management